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Take away the uncertainty of moving to an unknown neighbourhood with the ZoomLocal Report. Get the big picture about your local area before you move house.
With a ZoomLocal report you can move home with the comfort of knowing that you're moving to a safe, clean and happy neighbourhood, with all amenities within reach.
With more than 40 pages of essential information, it eliminates the risk and uncertainty of moving to a new area.
Each report contains:
- Demographics
- Local Politics
- Housing
- Crime Rates
- Health
- Education
- Environment
- Transport
- Leisure & Tourism
- Local Amenities
DOWLOAD A REPORT FOR RH5 4BZ Download an example report
Quality of environment is a high-priority concern for many people buying a new house. Is the neighbourhood close to open mining or quarries? What is the air quality rating? Are there any environmental concerns that could affect the residents, such as nearby waste disposal, animal food processing factories, or potential smells from nearby farming?
Environmental Concerns
<1 mile | 1-5 miles | ||
Noise | 0 | 0 | |
Farming | 4 | 76 | |
Waste Disposal | 0 | 2 | |
Mining | 0 | 0 | |
Animal Processing | 0 | 2 |
Air Quality in Mole Valley
Air Quality 9.6 UK Average: 9 |
Deaths 44 UK Average: 89.02 |
Life Years Lost 446 UK Average: 932.55 |
The air pollution data is based on figures from 2010, and was published in 2015 in The Telegraph. Since then, the levels of air pollution across the UK has declined steadily.
Power Stations
Recycling Centres
Useful Links
Report a pest problemwww.zoomlocal.co.uk/go/g/206
Find out about local air pollution
Apply for an asbestos inspection
Report a noise nuisance
Find out about contaminated land
Find your nearest recycling centre
Find out which day the refuse is collected
Find out about street cleaning