Discover your neighbourhood
Unlock the secrets of your local postcode area
Take away the uncertainty of moving to an unknown neighbourhood with the ZoomLocal Report. Get the big picture about your local area before you move house.
With a ZoomLocal report you can move home with the comfort of knowing that you're moving to a safe, clean and happy neighbourhood, with all amenities within reach.
With more than 40 pages of essential information, it eliminates the risk and uncertainty of moving to a new area.
Each report contains:
- Demographics
- Local Politics
- Housing
- Crime Rates
- Health
- Education
- Environment
- Transport
- Leisure & Tourism
- Local Amenities
DOWLOAD A REPORT FOR RH5 4BZ Download an example report
Whilst a lot of homebuyers seek peace and quiet, others may want easy access to local amenities, such as supermarkets, banks, post boxes and cash machines. We take a look at the most popular amenities that people are looking for when researching the area for a new home.
Convenience Stores
Petrol Stations
Cash Machines
Post Boxes
Taxi Cabs
Phone: Cell: 07702 091731
Phone: 01306 502391
Phone: 0130-688-5635
Phone: 0130-688-5533
Phone: 01306 884411
Phone: 0130-688-1008
Radio Stations
Mercury FM | 97.5 |
BBC Southern Counties R | 104.5 |
Mercury FM | 102.7 |
96.4 The Eagle | 96.4 |
Silk FM | 106.9 |
The Coast 106 | 106.6 |
West Midlands' Beacon FM | 97.2 |
Capital FM | 95.8 |
Kiss 100 FM | 100.0 |
Heart 106.2 | 106.2 |
Local Newspapers
Glamorgan Gem www.barry-today.co.uk |
Lakeland Echo www.lakelandecho.co.uk |
Mourne Observer www.mourneobserver.com |
Fermanagh Herald www.fermanaghherald.com |
The Cumberland News www.cumberland-news.co.uk |
Galloway Gazette www.gallowaygazette.co.uk |
Fife Herald www.fifetoday.co.uk |
Wishaw Press www.wishawpress.co.uk |
Daily Record www.dailyrecord.co.uk |
Get Surrey www.getsurrey.co.uk |