Download our rh54by Neighbourhood Report

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Take away the uncertainty of moving to an unknown neighbourhood with the ZoomLocal Report. Get the big picture about your local area before you move house.

With a ZoomLocal report you can move home with the comfort of knowing that you're moving to a safe, clean and happy neighbourhood, with all amenities within reach.

With more than 40 pages of essential information, it eliminates the risk and uncertainty of moving to a new area.

Each report contains:
  • Demographics
  • Local Politics
  • Housing
  • Crime Rates
  • Health
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Transport
  • Leisure & Tourism
  • Local Amenities

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Of all the concerns that home buyers have about their new neighbourhood, schooling is often high up on the list. The quality of education at local schools - as well as Ofsted Ratings - is naturally important to home buyers.

The nearest primary and secondary schools are listed below, alongside their Ofsted ratings. Refer to the key on the right hand side to explain the Ofsted ratings.

Primary Schools

SchoolOfsted RatingDistance
St John's Church of England Primary School0.5 mi
St Paul's CofE (Aided) Primary School 0.5 mi
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School 0.7 mi
Powell Corderoy Primary School 0.9 mi
St Martin's CofE Controlled Primary School, Dorking 1.3 mi
Surrey Hills Church of England Primary School 1.7 mi
North Downs Primary School 1.8 mi
St Michael's CofE Aided Infant School 3.3 mi
The Weald CofE Primary School3.3 mi
Polesden Lacey Infant School 3.9 mi

Secondary Schools

SchoolOfsted RatingDistance
The Priory CofE Voluntary Aided School 0.9 mi
The Ashcombe School 1.2 mi
Howard of Effingham School 4.7 mi
St Andrew's Catholic School 5.5 mi
Reigate School 5.6 mi
Therfield School 5.8 mi
St Bede's School 6.7 mi
Royal Alexandra and Albert School 7 mi
The Warwick School 7.1 mi
Rosebery School 7.5 mi



Applying for a school

You can apply for a place at a state primary school online or by using your council's application form.

Use the Schools Admission service on the Gov.uk website:

Apply for free school meals
Apply for a primary school place
Apply for a secondary school place
Apply to be a school governor
Find out school term dates
Apply for help with school clothing costs
Apply for nursery school places