ZoomLocal, C/o CliqTo Ltd1 Brassey Road, Old Potts WayShrewsbury, SY3 7FA
United Kingdom
We'd love to chat to you about your experience with ZoomLocal. As a service that launched in May 2017, we're still very new. We might not get everything right first time, so we're open to ideas, suggestions and even criticism, if you feel we've completely missed the mark.
Use the contact details opposite to get in touch with us. Perhaps you want to chat to us about an idea you have. Or maybe you want to partner with us to provide our users with even more useful information.
Whatever the reason, we'll be glad to listen.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Chris Haycock
Managing Director
When you send us a message it will be read by a ZoomLocal representative, who will reply as soon as we are able to.
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
If we receive your message during our normal hours of operation, you can normally expect to hear from us within one hour.